So I know that I haven't had many things uploaded this semester, and I apologize for that. To make it up to you, I made this great college poster for NHS on where I'm going next year! I made it in Photoshop using the skills I learned in this class, so thank you for that! Here it is:
Also, if this doesn't suffice as enough effort for my missing assignments, here is an attractive photo of Adam Lambert. You're welcome :p
Thanks for teaching me awesome skills in this class that I can now use throughout my life! You're super cool! :D
Wow, you're so good with PhotoShop @-@ I draw on PhotoShop and post it on deviantart as Kaphonie :) I'm surprised not to see jellyfish cause I remember you really liked them at one point xD it's Keeth from olive chapel. It fine if you don't remember me, I just wanted to let you know. ^-^)/