Monday, February 25, 2013

Walk Cycle

1. Did you stay away from obvious inanimate elements like water or water and use something unique?
Yes I did and I used a robot.  

2. How are your cut and pastes? Are they clean or are there jagged edges?
Not gonna lie, it's really bad. I'll openly admit that. Sorry. I don't know what with how shaky it looks, kinda like he's having a seizure. At least we can all get a good laugh at how awful I am at animating! ;D 

3. Did you make it seamless by matching colors, textures or shapes?
 Yes and I think I did a good job with it, especially considering I'm not the best of artist. I am a professional colorer though! 

4. Did you demonstrate Juxtaposition, strong contrast, irony, or other have another reason behind your thinking? It's not really ironic, it's just a walking robot who gives a peace sign at the end haha that's about it :) 

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